If you are an average human, with healthy physiological growth, you probably must have faced some form of stress; if you’re not the average human being, CONGRATULATIONS! You’re unique. Stick around.

Unfortunately, majority of the population isn’t you. Therefore, for the normal folks, these are some useful tips and tricks to bust your stress.




  • Clear your mess, to clear your thought process

Before you willingly sacrifice your life to the devil – studies – make sure that you create and maintain a stable work place; get rid of any potential objects that you may be tempted to smash your head against e.g. The Mjönir




COOL FACT #1 > Having a clutter free environment promotes productivity and unfortunately clutter can help add to study stress. Studies show the average person loses around 4 hours per week searching for papers, which adds stress, frustration and simultaneously reduces concentration. An average person  loses nearly an hour of productivity each day searching for missing information.

  • Don’t Just Preach, But Follow

It is vital that you start by scheduling your days. Make timetables, set a routine and make sure to include frequent breaks to prevent saturation.

COOL FACT #2 > The average human mind has an attention span of 20 minutes, so make sure you take a break for the few minutes every 15 minutes. During these breaks include activities such as skipping and walking to stimulate your mind to resume.

  • Don’t Eat Your Stress

Adolescents have a tendency to binge eat or starve and half the time you don’t even realize it. Be sure to eat at regular intervals and rationalize your proportions. Keep yourself well hydrated – iced tea, lemonade, water. Avoid coffee as it is a stimulant and alcohol as it is a depressant.

COOL FACT #3 > There are certain foods that can relieve stress:

  • Bananas: Bananas help overcome depression and secretes the happy-mood brain neurotransmitter.
  • Walnuts: Research shows walnut consumption may support brain health.
  • Chocolate: Dark chocolate improves the function of the brain. Consuming cocoa improves blood flow to the brain.




If all else fails reach into your inner self and come to terms with the fact that you’re awesome. Indulge in frequent meditation…


(Re-read these two lines till you have attained inner peace; Glance at your clock to know how much time you’ve wasted reading this)

With the non-stop pressure you face from your family, teachers and your classmates who mysteriously just happen to be reincarnations of Lex Luthor, eradicate all the forces of evil and keep reassuring yourself that you are indeed the human embodiment of Tony Stark.




-Dhrati, Harshita, Sara, Angel, Lalitya

Students of AS 2016


Stressed Out ! – Ms. Vandana Shah

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