High End Facilities
We know how powerful IT has become and prepare our students accordingly. Our small-group activities in the lab ensure they get comfortable with all the tools they might need in their life and career. We also teach them how to look for information themselves, and more importantly to check their sources and get reliable data, ensuring that their learning is supplemented efficiently by autonomous search.

Our classrooms, right from the cubs section to the A levels are well-equipped and well-designed to accommodate the required number of students. Apart from being spacious, well-ventilated and bright – radiating warm and positive vibes, there are large white glass boards, chart boards, projectors facilitating visual methods of teaching, curtains giving an enhanced effect to the visual presentations on the boards, modern furniture to comfortably seat students, shelves/ book racks to facilitate storage, large windows onlooking the beautiful natural surroundings RIMS stands amidst and lastly of course, keeping the comfort and necessity of our students in mind – the well-maintained air conditioners, which we all cannot do without!! All necessities of a classroom, keeping International standards in mind, are provided to students here.
We believe that sports and other competitive activities help our students grow into well-balanced individuals by encouraging them to excel, to develop their teamwork skills and of course to have fun with the rest of their classmates. This is why our facilities include a running track, a basketball field, badminton courts as well as chess and carrom equipment.

Doing is remembering! Our science classes are strongly supported by activities in our fully-equipped Science Lab, for a hands-on experience of the theoretical knowledge acquired in the classroom.
We encourage love of reading in all our students and offer a wide selection of literature and academic books. Our library is a quiet and comfortable space, perfectly suited to self-study or conduct group-meetings.

We provide high-end facilities, both well-located and well-equipped. Our limited number of students allow us to create a safe and extremely pleasant environment, with multiple learning opportunities and experiences.